Saturday, 7 May 2011

A few changes!

I decided it was time to change the look of my blog, and i wanted something more relaxing to look at i think this one works and reflects me more!
Things are going well at the mo as far as my migraines are concerned, and home life is pretty good, much more relaxed than it has been for some time, the only fly in the ointment is work, i really feel like i need a change and college can't come fast enough for me right now, even though September feels like a life time away! It feels like the gap between my courses has just been so long, sometimes i think i will have forgotten all that i have learned so far, even though i have tried reading to keep my hand in.
I guess i will just have to wait for September to see how much i have retained and how much i have change since i was last studying..........its still very exciting the thought of going back to college, and hopefully changing my career!

1 comment:

  1. You'll do great. Remember we all have faith in you and your abilities xx
