I came home yesterday from visiting my very good friend in Oxford, and it really was a tonic for me and i hope for her too, the journey home on the train was good and so was the evening sitting on the sofa watching telly and catching up with my partner.
But i am sorry to say my night in bed was not so good, at something past 3am i was woken up by a head splitting migraine and i really was a big one so after taking a nasal spray and managing to get downstairs to find a cool and sooth sheet for my forehead i made my way back to bed feel very ill and somewhat sorry for myself!
I'm not sure what time i got back to sleep i think i took some time as my head really did feel like it was trying to split open and i had that nasty sick feeling for a while, but i did finally manage to settle back to sleep and finally woke up at around 9am, and the only way i can describe how i feel today would be to say hollow its a feeling i am used to and can still function with, but needless to say i would prefer not to feel this way.
So i guess its just another migraine to tick of and move on from here's hoping that the weekend is better for me as i am still off work until Monday and really would like to make the most of my final couple of days off.
Glad you guys had such a great time, I know Nic really enjoyed your visit. Sorry to hear about the migraines . . . I'm still suffering with mine on a regular basis and the start of hayfever season isn't helping things either.