Well now where to start?!?! Lets see, its sunday afternoon and i am just coming to after another migraine, they have been a part of me for as long as i remember having been diagnosed when i was 3 years old, although they did seem to all but vanish between the ages of 19 to around 25 and for a while i almost forgot all about them. They have been creeping back into my life and seem to have finally returned with what i can only discribe as re-newed vigor.
I feel like i need a place to speak about them and this seemed like the best idea, not that all i want to do is moan, they have been and are both a blessing and a curse, more on that another time.
For now i am starting to feel better today and that can only be something to be happy about.
Welcome to the blog community, great to see you posting your experiences with that black dog Migraine xx